2019 is a new opportunity, another chance, a new beginning, that’s why you want to sign up to the gym! If you are a bit unsure about how to start and how to work on your goals don’t worry, SMR has the perfect solutions for you that will help you make the most out of your membership and your year, especially during those times when you might want to give up.
Press play on “Eye of the tiger” by Survivor and let’s see how we can help you stick to your fitness resolutions…
Start a training journal and use a fitness tracker
Writing down your goals is not only a great way to accomplish them, but it also helps you figure out the exact steps needed to get there. In general, resolutions should be both specific and measurable. What do the terms ‘toning up’ or ‘losing weight’ actually mean to you? How will you measure progress, why do you want it, how will you get it and how much is enough? When you formulate a new goal (or resolution) put it through the SMART test. Is your goal Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-framed? After you set your goals, ask yourself how you can accomplish them. Fitness trackers are great for you and your personal trainer to get a deeper understanding of your body, health and progress. If you value your fitness progress, take a picture of your body every few weeks or months. Pictures will help you see your body transformation in a more efficient way and keep you motivated. Whether you already signed up to the gym or not, SMR offers free initial consultations with no obligation to book. Talking with a group of experts, will help you to understand the benefits of the gym and what you can do to achieve your health goals.
Change the way you think about yourself
Improving your body is a challenge between you and yourself. When you look at yourself in the mirror and you feel that it’s time to make a change, don’t judge yourself too much. Imagine the person in front is your best friend: what would you tell them to keep them on track? Change your mindset and try to understand what you need to do in order to get where you want to be.
So start small and think big! A resolution shouldn’t be a fantasy. The gym is a magical place, but it’s not mystical. You can’t just sign up, walk in the gym, have the gym angels sing “Hallelujah” and grant you a healthy body. Your muscles need time! According to scientific research, working hard all the time compromises your immune system and leaves you vulnerable to injury. So, start your fitness routine slowly and make sure to take rest days, especially if you are still learning how to exercise safely and properly. SMR won’t leave you by yourself: in all the gym sessions we offer, your personal trainer will be like a guardian angel that will help you exercise in the safest way possible. We want what’s best for you!
Get the support you need
“Help” is such a lovely word! If you go to the gym, don’t be afraid to ask questions: first, understand what you are doing; then, you can work hard to achieve your goals. After that, talk with everybody about your progress. Sharing your feelings and challenges with both your family and friends will help you feel less alone and more motivated. By signing up to SMR Fitness, you can find the support of a personal trainer, who will help you to achieve your goals as well as incredible group classes. SMR30, for example, is a 30 minute group HIIT class which allows you to train with the support of a trainer, quickly and effectively. It is also a great opportunity for you to meet new friends, after all, friends that train together stay together!
Eat well, drink better
Let’s change the way you eat. After all, it’s impossible to out-train a bad diet! SMR offers online coaching through the training and nutrition plans. These are tailored packages to suit your needs and goals. Talk to your personal trainer or nutritionist to personalise the plans further to make them even more effective. Together, we can find the best solution for you and your body.
In general, eating well is a form of self – respect. A well-balanced diet provides the energy you need to keep active throughout the day and the nutrients that help you stay strong and healthy. If you want to feel good, you need a balanced plate with the right amount of carbs, proteins and vitamins. To be more precise, eat a lot of vegetables and reduce both salt and sugar. It is also important that you drink enough water in order to build muscle and burn fat. Around 70% of our body is made of water. Drinking around 2-3 litres a day will help you to digest better, carry out both waste and toxins and support brain function for mood, energy and concentration.
Cheat meals motivate us
You may be surprised to learn that taking a few days or a full week off from training won’t necessarily hurt the gains you’ve made. In fact, many serious exercisers and athletes regularly schedule a week off every 8-12 weeks. If you don’t want to lose the motivation to go to the gym, find other ways to feel healthy. Most people tend to have an “all or nothing” mentality, but let’s be honest: it’s impossible to stick to a healthy diet 100% of the time. Certified Holistic Health Coach and Aaptiv trainer, Kelly Chase believes that, “You should have a cheat meal one to two times per week”; remember, it’s a cheat meal, not a cheat day.
Go to the gym with your children
Being a busy parent cannot stop you going to the gym. You need to take care of yourself, otherwise, you won’t be able to look after your children. SMR offers child-friendly PT sessions where your Trainer will supervise your children and even help incorporate them into your routine. These child-friendly sessions are very popular so remember to book in advance!
Now, you have no excuses: write your goals down and go to the gym. And remember: where there’s a will, there’s a way!