Remember Perry Beeches IV that opened up in the Quarter?

Team Perry Beeches is going the full mile this year to raise a sum of money for Macmillan Cancer Support!

Later this afternoon, at 3.30pm, the public school will be opening its doors to the public, enabling the them to see the school and view the building’s development plans for the future.
They are invited to speak to the students, staff and parents and meet Team PBIV.

Coffee and cake will be distributed, made by the students of the school, encouraging the public to spare some change for a worthy cause.

Perry Beeches II will begin its event this Friday and 10am, with a cake competition between the staff and sixth form students, with the executive head; Jackie Powell and Philip Jackson from Maguire Jackson are serving as judges for the event.
Again, an abundant amount of coffee and cake will be supplied and all of the donations and money raised will be going towards Macmillan Cancer Support.

Both of the Perry Beeches school are providing an excellent opportunity to leave the office and eat some delicious cake, all the while supporting this fantastic cause.

For more news like this, visit our blog!
